Monday, September 22, 2008

In Which MissKitti Profoundly Apologizes To The Universe

I am SO sorry.

Okay, the guilt of not speaking in glowing terms about my calling is killing me. Killing Me!, I say. The shame is too much. I must make amends.

Really, all there is to say is that the children I taught are each lovely in their very own ways. Each possess charms, talents and, abilities that are uniquely their own. When pressed, I say they're elegant. (thank you, Jane Austen)

Each class member I've had is very intelligent and certainly very capable. Whether I could interest them enough to join in the lesson was always variable.We had some good discussions and some mediocre ones and there were some discussions that should have happened that didn't.

No really, lovely children all. And I'm sorry for not saying that to begin with.


annie said...

miss kitti, if we were all so elegant as you, there would be no mean people.

Sherry Carpet said...

for a while i was actually afraid of my 10 and 11 year-old primary girls. wow, do i know what you mean.

Nicea said...

I'm afraid of 7th grader Adrian Fausto and his 8th grade sister Alejandra this week. Oh, yeah. And mean guidance counselors who call you on the phone out of the blue and tell you to back off and quit micro-managing their jobs all because you sent them an email asking, in behalf of another teacher, if all the other teachers had been notified of the parent meeting. It was a nice email.

Nicea said...

P.S. Not to mention any names.

richard dandelion said...

On behalf of the Universe, I accept your apology.

miss kitti said...

Universe, wow -you sure are hot! You should come over sometime.