Thursday, September 18, 2008

Various and Sundry III

  • It turns out that grass tea tastes better with other herbal teas mixed in. So far I have tried: lemon, mandarin orange, orange spice. All greatly improve the flavor of grass. Just so you know.

  • Cereal, when purchased in small, individual-sized boxes, tastes way better than the same cereal in a larger box.
  • At least, they taste better if you're eight and your mean old mom is making you eat some thing for breakfast and the dumb breakfast cookies (yes- breakfast cookies, made by Quaker and they are yummy, with fiber and whole oats) aren't very appealing and she refuses to buy cereal straws because something about "just like candy" and yogurt is not appealing this week. Yeah.

  • Plus-sized jeans are not just bigger in the waist, as I previously thought. If you get them for a regular sized girl, thinking they will give her a little more room in the waistel region, then you will be wrong. They will be at least a full size too big and look similar to saggy-baggy elephant skin when worn to school.
  • And then you'll be kind'a sad that you didn't try them on your daughter two months ago (when they were on sale at gapkids) when you could have just returned them. Sigh. At least she can wear them for the next couple of years.

  • You should always check under your kids sweaters before they go to school. If not, you might discover, on arriving home at the end of the day, that your child has in fact thrown a sweater over the shirt she wore to bed that she wore under another sweater so that I would not notice that she was wearing the same shirt to bed that she wore to school that day.
  • For at least the last half of the day she will have taken her sweater off so that everyone will know that her parents let her go to school for two days in a row with the same shirt on. Naturally.
  • Apparently, it was very comfortable. And it was from Grandma Natalie. She really likes it. When questioned about this, your child might respond, "What?! Oh, I forgot."
  • You might then considering questioning your parenting skills. But don't give into it. You're just making all the other parents feel better that someone else misses things too. And you're making it easier for your kid's teacher to pick your kid out of a crowd. Good times all around.

  • Would you count the tomato sauce on a slice of Sbarro's pizza as a serving of fruit or vegetable? Because I was leaning toward vegetable but I don't want to anger the fruit party.
  • Tomato. Tomahto.


Maudie Jane said...

Kitti, you are so funny, I love reading about Grace and her wily ways.

Where do you get breakfast cookies full of fiber?? I want one.

Erika said...

LOL! I love those breakfast cookies!

Natalie said...

Hilarious! You are too funny! Rest assured that there are many many students who come to school each day and do a "quick change" in the bathroom to escape their parents watchful eyes. Sadly for them they have a principal who was one of these students herself (MANY years ago) who is wise to this subterfuge.

Shawn said...

Funny post, Kitty. We loved those little cereal boxes as kids and they DID taste better. The only time we got them was on vacation in the car, if I remember right.

Also, french fries are my favorite vegetable so tomato sauce is perfectly acceptable on my food pyramid. Personally, I would count it as one of each for the day--a fruit and a vegetable.