Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Speaking of 19th Century Novels...

I am Elinor Dashwood!

Take the Quiz here!

I've always found Elinor Dashwood to be a perfectly lovely woman. And she always looks like E.T., in my mind. Could be because I saw the movie before reading the book.

So. Which Austen heroine are you?

Thanks so much, Erika, for sharing. I love these quizzes.


Erika said...

You're welcome. I'm Marianne Dashwood, but you knew that. I pretty much agree with my results. You made me laugh at the E.T. thing-too funny! I love Emma Thompson, especially in Nanny McPhee and Much Ado About Nothing.

miss kitti said...

Erika -me too, on those movies! I thought she was great. She's also amazing in "Wit". It will make you bawl but it's incredible. Just wait until you're up for a total cry-fest.

Sherry Carpet said...

f.u.n. i've taken this quiz before and had different results -- i guess i just have a shifty personality.

currently, i am in an elizabeth bennet state of mind.

Maudie Jane said...

Hey, two posts in one day, you are spoiling us. Thanks!

Meg said...

I was Elinor too, which didn't surprise me at all, though I would rather be fun and carefree like Emma, but I am a happy Elinor.