Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Tagged By Moddy

Because I can't resist answering questions, taking quizzes*, making up answers:

What was I doing 5 years ago?

Working part time as a research dietitian, helping Grace get used to her new daycare, starting to come out of my clothing funk, crushing on Justin.

Pet Peeves
-being cold in the morning when I have to get out of my warm bed
-clothing tags -they feel terrible against my skin
-crusty people
-people who hold grudges -c'mon, forgive and move on, stop with the stink-eye already!

Pet Peeves Related to Reading
(yes, really, what?!)
-(stolen from Moddy) when the library doesn't have the book I'm dying to read
-not being able to get the book I want IMMEDIATELY (or faster)
-not owning the book I'm dying to read
-this is an oldy but goody: pictures of people on the covers of the books I'm reading -eww, let me just imagine it

Things I would do if I were a Billionaire**

Don't think I didn't have this planned out years ago. Of course, I was just thinking a million would do.

So, all the usual stuff: houses for me and mine, cars, trips, charitable contributions, personal library to rival that of the one in Beauty and The Beast, trust funds for the kids (there was always the plural in mind).

Moddy hit on a great one: socks. Totally. All the socks.

I think billions is too much to spend. It would have to be spread over a lot of people and we could all come up with our own ways to continue to spread the wealth. Charter schools, literacy programs, etc.

Oh and I would want to fix the next presidential race. Would billions be enough?

Favorite Foods

Always the Mexican

*I think this might be me trying to make up for being such a poor tester in school. Seriously, I can talk myself out of a right answer faster than a speedo-wizard.

**I think the correct answer here is "nothing different, I am perfectly content with my life", but I'm not and therefore I want.

1 comment:

Dorri said...

no fixing the presidental race, but you could try and buy my vote. (that is if you had a billion $$$)