Monday, September 29, 2008

Talk To The Hand Smurf Goes Native

I don't know what that means but it amuses me.

On Saturday Grace and I went downtown with Camille and Kgordee for a little shopping adventure amid the football crowd.

At a random jewelry shop, Kgordee found a brain-teaser-type toy and quickly picked it up and solved it. He started to show Grace how it worked and couldn't seem to get it to work as quickly the second time. Finally, Grace lost patience and here is what she said,

"Kgordee, why don't you buy it and take it home and work on it. Send me a letter when you solve it."

And she moved on. Um, ow. Better watch your back, Grace.

Also, should you come to visit between now and election day. Be prepared to answer Grace's questions regarding who you will be voting for. Then be prepared to defend your answer if it's not Obama. I swear we did not put her up to this. (But I must say I am pleased.)


Lola said...

that's awesome. pj is the same way. obama all the way as far as he is concerned.

Natalie said...

Yay Grace! Yay PJ! Clearly children being raised correctly.

Maudie Jane said...

I am so sad that I didn't get grilled by Grace. Maybe I should be flattered that my love for Obama runs so deep she didn't feel that it needed any questioning.

It was so much fun to spend time with you guys, best hosts every. I mean that in a not sci-fi-y way.