Monday, September 15, 2008

Yes, I Can

Okay. I've thought long and hard about this. I was never going to touch politics on this blog. (edited to add: that's not entirely true. It was always in the back of my mind. I just didn't think I'd really do it.) However, a line has been crossed and now I'm mad. SO, knowing that the following may or may not jive with your personal view of all things political; read at your own risk.

I wanted to write a post about a person who shall not now be named (rhymes with "tail'in) -I don't want to add to her attention grab. I am sick of her assertions of things that are twisted truths (one might also assert, outright lies).

Perhaps I should give her the benefit of the doubt -ignorance regarding the facts, unfamiliarity with the issues, whatever. Given that this is an election year and she is actually on the freakin' ticket, not so much.*

The aformentioned "twisted truths" are various and sundry statements made regarding Obama, assertions about McCain's character (it's true, there's no love lost there, but still) and her own political leanings. Also, taking earmarked money for something, saying 'no thanks', keeping that money anyway and using it for something else does not equal change or mavrick-ness, or anything other than outright dishonesty and shadiness. I'm just saying.

In an effort to remain more positive (because that's what I do), I shall instead provide for you the facts as they stand on one specific issue: Obama's tax plan. Decide for yourself, but please use correct information.

Obama's Comprehensive Tax Policy Plan for America will:
  • Cut taxes for 95 percent of workers and their families with a tax cut of $500 for workers or $1,000 for working couples.
  • Provide generous tax cuts for low- and middle-income seniors, homeowners, the uninsured, and families sending a child to college or looking to save and accumulate wealth.
  • Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses, cut corporate taxes for firms that invest and create jobs in the United States, and provide tax credits to reduce the cost of healthcare and to reward investments in innovation.
  • Dramatically simplify taxes by consolidating existing tax credits, eliminating the need for millions of senior citizens to file tax forms, and enabling as many as 40 million middle-class Americans to do their own taxes in less than five minutes without an accountant.
Obama Factsheet
Key Facts about Obama and Taxes
Information courtesy of Jill Gochanour (HarrisburgPAforObama)

Other areas in which I agree with Obama:
  • free agency
  • individual responsibility to our country
  • individual responsibility to our communities (community organizers, anyone?)
  • belief in the need for real change
  • speaking well is not a sign of the devil -it just means you can speak well and have a good command of the English Language (albeit, not necessarily the Queen's English)

For any other questions, please seek the following websites:
Obama -granted, if you live in UT, it doesn't really matter who you like, but tell your friends anyway
McCain -I will say this, his menu page should be very stirring to LDS. ("Called To Serve, anyone?")

Also, feel free to email if you feel the need to set me straight.

*and please know that I realize both sides are trying to look better than the other guy. I'm just more inclined toward the other, other guy.


Natalie said...
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Natalie said...

Perfectl summary, Kitti. I couldn't have said it better if I had researched for hours - which I haven't - and then written and re-written drafts for days....which I wouldn't as I am far too busy watching funny, nonsensical but surprisingly accurate footage from SNL. You have such great voice in your writing that I would be compelled to agree with you completely even if I didn't. But I do.

Meg said...

Brian has been on a Palin kick for a bit now, reading anything he can on her, and then relaying to me the most obnoxious and mind-boggling of it all. My favorite so far is that she said she didn't even hesitate when asked to run for V.P. and said that when you have a big decision to make you can't even blink twice, you just need to make a choice. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't big decisions take more time and thought before being decided upon? Maybe that's just me? Last night we heard the McCain add telling the world that Obama wants to teach our kindergarteners about sex. I was floored. I hope people are smart enough to see through that and look for the facts instead of believing the outright lies put in front of them by the person they believe in.

richard dandelion said...

When even Karl Rove says that you've stooped too low, you know you've taken a wrong turn somewhere. (It's kind of like the devil telling somebody, whoa, man. We're evil, okay, but that... That's just wrong!")

Lola said...

I reiterate what Natalie says. Kitti, your writing is so fun to read, I can't get enough. I wasn't going to dip into politics, either, but I'm glad we're all on the same bandwagon. =) Keep it coming!

Man Child said...

If anyone is interested in Governor Palin's past experience as Mayor and as Governor here are the most informative articles I have found. You may find them a little dry, but as a student of Local Government (which is typically non-partisan in the US) I really thought they were interesting.



There are a lot of other shorter articles out there that talk about odds and ends, but these are the most comprehensive I have yet found.

Here is a really good summary about the tax plans for the candidates from a non-partisan source if you are interested: is a decent site as well, if you are curious about claims being made on either side. Yes, Obama has stretched the truth as well. Though no where nearly as bad as McCain, whom a fair person could accuse of out and out lying (if not in the strictest sense, then certainly with the intent to deceive).

Jamie said...

Oh dear. Why all the dishonesty and truth bending?? I am really not inspired to vote for somebody who I feel is lying through their teeth in an interview. My biggest pet peeve about politicians in interview settings is when they answer a question by completely changing the subject... or saying what they think most people want to hear, whether it's the truth or not. I agree with Megan: when Palin said she accepted the VP invitation without a second thought, I almost wanted to turn to the TV off right there. Uh, I would have hoped she might have thought about what impact this might have on her family, whether she was experienced enough to handle such a huge move up the ranks of government so quickly, etc. I got the feeling she wanted America to interpret that as fearlessness, but I read it as A: a lie, or B: reckless impulsivity. Lame.

But anyway, I wanted to say thanks for this post, Kitti, and also thanks to Brian for recommending some good fact checking sites. I'll probably check them out tomorrow at work since I have no patients to see before noon.

I have very little patience for lies and slander in politics (and in general). I'm getting a bad taste in my mouth. Hmmpf.

P.S. Kinda funny: I saw that an online search for "mud slinging in politics" at return its number one sponsored result as

Maudie Jane said...
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miss kitti said...

Here are a few rather impassioned pleas to approach this choice with logic rather than gut instinct.

Number One

Number Two (which is a follow up to #1)

richard dandelion said...

Whoops. The above links were posted by that old dirty bastard, RD. My apologies to miss kitti.

Maudie Jane said...

Kitti great post, you always know how to broach any topic. Thank you for opening this can of worms, for all those who would love to open another kind of can when we hear all the crap that spews forth come election time.

So here are just a few beefs that I have with Tina Fey, I mean that other lady.

She has said that, it was her daughter’s choice, but she is going to work to make sure no one else has a choice.

She is totally against "ear marks" yet she was willing to take a scant 27 million dollars from the federal government for her state.

It seems to me that she would have to know what the “Bush Doctrine” is, (maybe for a start) before she can suggest that she will be bringing change to Washington.

Super lame!

Man Child said...

Just for the record, she requested more than $250 million in earmarks for her state for this fiscal year, and even more the year previous.

richard dandelion said...

Right, Bri, but she only claimed $27 million of that in per diem expenses for staying at her home (instead of the governor's mansion)...

[Of course, I jest. She only claimed the state reimburse her something like $60 a day for 300 days she spent at her own house.]

Maudie Jane said...

Hey, even better, bless her heart.

Sherry Carpet said...

yea, verily, verily.

not to MENTION that ol' JMC could quite possibly CROAK before his term is over, leaving a completely inequipped person at the helm.

i know i'm being a little ranty, but COME ON! one of my first thoughts when i wake up each morning is, DID I DREAM THAT? or did he REALLY choose this woman?

-michael bluth
-gob bluth
-george bluth