Thursday, February 07, 2008


I didn't set any New Year's Resolutions for 2008. However, for several years now I have been working towards more inner peace, improved physical health and, just generally liking myself better.

I find that when I do well in one area I tend to do well in all other areas. And the converse is true as well: when one slips, they all go. In November, I began a program of exercise, scripture study, meditation and prayer -all in the mornings. This made a great start to my day and I was able to keep it up for about five weeks. In addition to this, I was cutting back on unneeded calories. I felt really good about myself and just really good in general. You can probably see where this is going. Over Christmas break, I decided to take a break.

And here we are six weeks later. Last night I did 50 crunchies. This morning I did 50 crunchies. And I'm not entirely sure that my technique was correct. That is the sum total of my exercise in six weeks (not counting the 15min. token bike ride the other night and my hard-core cleaning Saturdays. What?! I work up a sweat -it counts!)

I am feeling the need for more than just surviving. The daily routine is too hard to rise above when I don't force myself to have "higher thoughts and ways" (there's a scripture reference in there somewhere, I believe from Jeremiah, but I could be wrong. A dollar to the first person to put the correct reference in the comments). I want balance.

The "self" time is already taken care of. Justin is only too happy for me to do things for myself: reading, friends, movies, whatever. Trust me, I've read at least six books since the beginning of the year. That represents plenty of self-time.

Here are the ideas I've had so far:
  • Exercise could include: YMCA to lift weights, 40min.+ bike rides, 50-100 crunchies everyday, other stuff
  • Spiritual Stuff: scripture study-BofM and New Testament, 30 min. of mediation 3x/wk, regular morning/evening prayers (no, I'm not right now. Don't judge me! Work in progress, remember?), lesson preparation for Primary
  • Physical (Weight): improved nutrition, less "snacky" foods in the house, eat to physical hunger, can have anything I want to drink but will stop eating after 8pm (because I've had dinner by then and tend to eat only junk), have five fruits/veg per day -this one has been hard lately as they just haven't sounded good
  • Mental: continue seeing therapist, read another self-improvement book, journal once a week, blog(?)
SO, that's what I've go so far. I need to figure out what will work, what's too much, how I can arrange it. Maybe it will just be one thing at time. Who knows.

Wish me luck! Let me know what y'all are doing.

1 comment:

Maudie Jane said...

love the goals, and I so know what you mean about a break turning into an extended vacation. Stupid goals, always gettin' in the way of fun and tomfoolary.