Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Feel Frumpy, So Frumpy....

Come on sing with me now: “I feel frumpy, oh so frumpy, so frumpy and dumpy and …” well you get the point. That song has been going through my head for the last 2 days. (Five points if you actually know the name of the real song and what movie it came from.)
I hate when I feel like this. Actually I must say it feels more like I’m in a funk, because after all I’ve lost 15 lbs, I shouldn’t feel frumpy. For the last 3 or 4 days I’ve felt like doing nothing. I haven’t really done anymore than I needed too. The dishes are clean, but the kitchen needs to be wiped down, the kids have clean clothes, but there is still a lot of laundry to be done. The family room and living room are sort of picked up, but not like I normally do it, you get the picture.
What do you do to get your self out of a funk, how do you get yourself going again when you really don’t want to? What are your little secrets to staying motivated, to keeping your house clean, your laundry done, your kids fed?
Come on share with me ladies, I need help.


miss kitti said...

"I feel pretty" from West Side Story.

I know about the frumpies. I'm totally coming out of a funk myself. I don't have any great advice but I will tell you what I end up doing.

One.Thing.At.A.Time. Just like Dad used to make us do. I do a load of laundry -because it needs doing. Or I empty the dishwasher, because I have too. I just find what has to be done and do one thing at a time. Usually by the time I'm done with that -if things look cleaner or better somehow -this helps me to feel better.

I think the best thing for pulling me out is to find an exciting new book. Then I have great motivation for getting this done -so I can get back to my book.

I think I just come out of it because I have to or because I get bored with being all blah.

Totally good job on the 15#. So exciting! That must represent some good choices and hard work. Remind yourself of what you're capable of and pat yourself on the back. And then start a new great book.

May I recommend The Red Tent? Or Ice and Snow, Sun and Moon? Both great reads. Or, try to get anything by Madieline Brent.

Okay, that's all for now.

Maudie Jane said...

Okay I was so confused, I thought Kitti posted and she was referring to Justin as one of the kids, Wow I am out of it. Then I though Moddy had responded and by the time I got to the end especially with the book recommend I was like, wow, that's funny because Kitti has just read those books.

Bless my heart. I know all about the frumpies lately. To explain my situation, Mean Girls comes to mind. “I can't help it if I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina.” Things are not good and it has just added to the frumpies.

I have also lost about 18 lbs and still I feel really unmotivated, yuck and not wanting to do anything.

I totally agree about the book business. I just finished reading Dragon Slippers which was way better then I thought it would be, it reminded me a lot of Shannon Hale. Now I am more then half way through The Rose Bride, it is really good but there is a lot of sadness too. I started it last night and I haven't really put it down since.

I think the biggest thing that helps me out of my rut is gratitude, if I am grateful for what I have then I get bursts of energy and I can continue. I know sounds lame but it works.

miss kitti said...

So true about the gratitude. It makes me feel like I can do stuff. And I do feel energized when I dwell on things I'm grateful for.

PS, I'm grateful to Moddy for putting up a post. Good on ya.

Dorri said...

Maudie Jane
good idea on the gratitude list, I've started a mental list in my head, but I need to write it down. Maybe we could do a gratitude post.
Thanks for the good ideas from both of you.