Thursday, February 14, 2008

Another Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's everyone! Word on the street is that several people in the fam will be having a great day (or night, you decide). Yay for you guys!

Justin was such a sweetie. I told him I wanted the cheesy heart-shaped box of chocolates. And guess what arrived yesterday, straight from See's? Yep. Then the conversation ensued on whether it was really necessary to wait until the actual day. We both decided we didn't care all that much for V-day anyway and why not dive in now(then). Hooray!

I love the idea of a day for all things lovey and relationshippy and the possibility of naughtiness but am also torn by the price-tag of themed gifts. Ugh. Anywho, what it really came down to this year is time and inclination. Not so much on either. Naturally, being a husband-loving kind of person, I've decided to pick a new lovey holiday to work towards.

Really, we here in America (U.S. of) don't do enough to promote Guy Fawkes Day. Why not throw in some red hearts and flowers. Do it up right. It's right in that Holiday Alley anyways, between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Why not have one more cause for celebration?'s easy to remember, what with the rhyme and all. " remember, remember, the fifth of November" What's not to forget.

Regardless of what your plans are for today, I encourage lovers everywhere to unite in favor of another holiday. Mark it down, circle the date, be prepared!


Dorri said...

you crack me up! Guy Fawkes day! How about a day in say August, that's a great day to celebrate, and you can celebrate by sending your favorite sister in ID a present, YEAH!
Okay so I tried. Really though we need to have a sister's week and we can do some um shopping. I seriously am missing having my female bonding time.
I'm happy that you got your See's, we aren't doing the whole chocolate thing in our house right now, in fact I bought those little candy hearts, becasue I knew they wouldn't be much of a temptation. But we are doing the Papa Murphy's heart shaped pizza for the kids tonight and then grown-up pizza for mommy and daddy. We are doing a low-key v-day today.

Maudie Jane said...

Both K and I were giggling over your post. I totally enjoy reading your blog, unlike me you are a writer. Anyway, I am so happy you are blogging!

miss kitti said...

Moddy, You're so right -August 18th is a lovely day for sending fun things to ID. It's nice to have a calendar to remind me of that important stuff this year. I've already missed a bunch!