Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Just For Fun

Found this on PilgrimGirl and I can never not do these:

What kind of soap do you have in your bathtub/shower right now?
Liquid Ivory

What color or design is on your shower curtain?

Frogs in a bubble on a deep blue background

What would you change about your living room?
To have one

How many plants are in your home?
none, and I am so sad about this (when I think about it)

Are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?


Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Plastic. I don't like how glass and ceramic smells when you hold it up to drink out of it.

Do you have iced tea, made in a pitcher, right now?

Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?

So, what is in your fridge?
Milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, sausage links, SF jello, corn tortillas, ground beef (I should have used three days ago but haven't tossed because I don't want to throw it away until I'm taking it outside-ewww), diet coke, butter, turkey-dogs, beef-dogs, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, a multiplicity of condiments, insulin, eye-mask, left-overs

What’s on top of your refrigerator?
a basket holding my dinnerware, plastic wrap, aluminum foil

White or wheat bread?
whole wheat, some times Wonder-whole grain for Grace

Comet or Soft Scrub?

Is your bed made now?
Yes, first time in a week

Is your closet organized?
Not really

Can you describe your flashlight?

If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
No garage.

Okay, now you try.


Dorri said...

soap in tub: oil of olay (me) and target genric (dh)
shower curtain: white with a woven pattern in it
Plants: no my kids are to hard on them, or maybe it's because I forget to water them.
dishwasher: they are clean!!
what I drink out of: a plastic bottle it's easier to keep track of how much I drink that way.
ice tea: YUCK!
watermelon: double YUCK!
fridge: milk, eggs, cheese, cheese, and more cheese, salad mix, flour tortillas, spagetti sauce, sloppy joe leftovers, alfredo sauce, pepperoni, cream cheese, yogurt, kool-aid, carrots.
top of fridge: DH's tackle box, clorox wipes, scissors, box cutters.
white or wheat: whole grain white (or something like that costco generic)
comet/ soft scrub: clorox spray (I'm addicted to clorox)
bed made: yes, That's my new thing making my bed.
closet: does everything being hung up count? This new closet is bigger than I realized and I have a hard time keeping it clean.
flashlight: black 3 c-cell maglite (all 3 are the same).
garage: my half is organized, DH's half, what a mess!
question milk chocolate or dark chocolate???

Maudie Jane said...

What kind of soap do you have in your bathtub/shower right now?
The tiniest sliver of Irish Spring and for K, liquid Jest, I shall be moving to liquids shortly.

What color or design is on your shower curtain?
White roses outlined in red with a Martha green background

What would you change about your living room?
Wall to wall book shelves

How many plants are in your home?

Are the dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty?

Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Glass, but funny this should come up cause I am out to get big plastic ones tonight.

Do you have iced tea, made in a pitcher, right now?

Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?

So, what is in your fridge?
Milk, yogurt, sour cream, uncooked flour tortillas, cooked corn tortillas, pineapple, carrots, celery, red pepper, snow peas, a crap load of sliced peaches, cheese motz and cheddar, ground hamburger, eggs, a half filled pitcher of crystal light, and a bunch of randomness like better then bullion and condiments

What’s on top of your refrigerator?
Parchment paper, a marble slab for tabling chocolate and an oversized cooling rack

White or wheat bread?
both, always both

Comet or Soft Scrub?
Neither, vinegar is queen!

Is your bed made now?
Hell no, I am just about to climb in it again

Is your closet organized?
Sort of, every thing is mostly in its place-ish

Can you describe your flashlight?
Big black thing that could hurt someone

If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
It really depends on whose garage you are comparing to.

miss kitti said...

Okay you guys, it just delights me that we're getting to all "talk" like this, so thanks.

Moddy: I forgot the cream cheese. We totally have cream cheese - for the bagels we never remember to buy -you know "just in case".

You don't like watermelon?? How is this possible? It's all watery goodness.

Dark Chocolate all the way. Exception: See's light truffle. Yumm.

Maudie Jane: I want your fridge. So jealous of the fresh tortillas.

I can't sleep in a messy bed. Even if I haven't made the bed for the day, I have to straighten it and everything before I climb in. Justin knows this and will often come up and make it for me before bed-time, even thought he doesn't care and won't be going to bed until well after me. (Such a sweetheart.)

Maudie Jane said...

Okay, well I guess my sheets do have to be tucked and the blankets straight, but seriously if my bed is actually made made then it most be a special occasion or something.