Wednesday, February 06, 2008


So, Grace is reading Ramona and Beezus these days. The other night, she read the word "gay" and then stopped.
"Oh, I know what that means" she says. "It's when two girls like each other".

Me: Um yeah, but it used to have a different meaning -to be happy and light, to be fun. But now people use it to mean something else.

Grace: okay. But anyways, I think we all have a little gay in us.

Me: Whaa?!

Grace: you know, I kiss you and Daddy hugs his friends and his daddy.

Me:..... Okay (to myself: I'm not going to touch that one until you're a little older.)

Moving right along. Grace sure does say the darnedest things.

What are you kids saying these days?


Maudie Jane said...

I am so sorry but I totally shared this with some friends at a party and they were dying. So funny, I love Grace

richard dandelion said...

I was so delighted to hear this, and hope she never thinks any different.

Dorri said...

yesterday the kids were playing, and a comment miss magoo said to her brother caught me by surprise.
Miss Magoo: So am I playing the dead person or are you.
PJ: I think it's your turn.
great my kids are playing dead.

oh yes Miss Magoo came home from church 2 weeks ago with a picture she drew of "the Holy Ghost Fish". She insisted that it must be hung up so when the Holy Ghost visits our home, he feels welcome.