Thursday, May 01, 2008

Tooth Fairy Part II

Last Sunday night PJ lost another tooth. Actually hubby pulled it for him. To me there is nothing grosser that a loose tooth. But PJ of course thinks that it is so fun to gross mom out. PJ sat there showing me how he could make his tooth stick out until is was almost perpendicular to the gum line, ICK! Hubby offered to help him get it out. We got a white hankie and according to hubby it practically fell out into his hand, PJ didn't even know it was gone. Then of course came the whole "let's put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy thing". But I think that I've found a way to ban the tooth fairy from our house permanently. We conviced PJ that it was a better deal to sell his tooth to mom and dad for $1.50 instead of getting $1.00 from the tooth fairy. YEAH the tooth fairy is gone. I think I finally understand why mom and dad never introduced the tooth fairy into our house growing up. Can you imagine them trying to play tooth fairy to all of us. Trying to remember to get the money under the right kid's pillow and not wake anyone else in the room up at the same time. Smart Mom & Dad.


Erika said...

My it must be tooth season! Gretel lost one today at school. The funny thing is she had her friend pull it out for her! So I'm typing this so maybe it will help me remember her tooth tonight! You've got a great system going with your kids!

miss kitti said...

Totally agree, smart mom and dad.

Congrats on the good riddance.

Maudie Jane said...

I think we will be doing that non-tooth fairy thing. Sounds like it works out for the kids and the parents.

Michele Holmes said...

What a brilliant idea. Too bad I didn't think of it about twelve years ago!