Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Various and Sundry

I was cold last night. So cold in fact, that I wore a nightgown, jammie bottoms and hoodie sweatshirt. With the hood on. Curled up in a ball. Why, you ask? Why would I do that? Because the windows were opened and the cool, crisp air felt nice. Except for the part where I was freezing.

It's been so long since I got to keep the windows open that I really, REALLY, want to keep them open. Soon, the weather will be much too hot and humid to keep windows open. I have to take advantage while I still can. Thus the multi-layer approach to bedtime.

In other news, Mom and Dad get home tomorrow!!! Wahoo! This means that I can call them anytime I want (give or take the two hours difference in time zones) and we'll still be on the same day. I'm very excited about this.

Justin and Grace get home tonight. YAY! I've been missing them. While they were away, I'm sorry to say, I was not productive at all. No cleaning. No laundering. No organizing. In my defense, this really is a first. I had the best intentions. Then I realized two very important things: 1) it's my birthday and, 2) I didn't want to be productive. And so I wasn't.

For anyone who cares, here is a list of what I did do:
  • birthday stuff: dinner, movie, hair cut, manicure (Thank you to all my lovelies who made my day the very best xoxo)
  • Books!: The Rose Bride, Maggie, The Handmaid's Tale, Good In Bed (no it's not a sex book, but it is fantastic -a story about a larger women learning to love herself and how to be loved - but not in the way you're thinking -stop that!)
  • Real Housewives or New York City: this one just made me incredulous and then I had to turn it off -after it was over, naturally. Then no more t.v.
  • !/2 of The Martian Child. It really has potential. John and Joan Cusack? It's sure to be great.
  • Sleep.
  • Miss my sweeties (but only a little -they were having a great time without me)
I hope everyone has a lovely evening. I will be in Harrisburg, anxiously awaiting an airplane.


Erika said...

Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you had some time to yourself to do whatever you wanted. Who cares about the laundry, housecleaning, etc. That will always be there, and that work is never done, so it's good you took some time out for YOU. How exciting your parents will be home! They are amazing.

Dorri said...

YEAH Mom & Dad are coming home, I talked to them last night. Mom almost sounded giddy, I think she would have been more so but for the thought of the 24+ hr flight ahead of them.
Glad you had a great weekend. So you need to do a book review on the Handmaiden's Tale, very curious about that one. I just finished The Horse and His Boy and started Journey of The Dawn Treader, so far so good.

Maudie Jane said...

I am so happy that you had a fun time/ no housebwork, all the reading and good ol' fashion me time. I have really decided as much as having a clean house is great and all, it is nice to not worry about it now & again.