Thursday, May 29, 2008

Various and Sundry II

Because I don't have my Prophet Muhammad book with me today and can't use it as a reference, I shall peruse the calendar of recent events/happenings and let ya'll know what we've been up to.
  • Grace started swim classes this week. This after a two-year hiatus from swimming. The last classes ended when she would curl up in a ball at the end of class and cry instead of jumping into the five-foot-deep end of the pool with all of her class mates. yeah. Poor sweetie, she just wasn't ready. Anyhow, she loves it now and is so excited to be in the water and moving around. When it came time to jump in, she couldn't wait. Grace is our new water superstar. I'm so proud.
  • I've finally gotten mostly caught up on my assigned readings*, leaving only Muhammad and The Confusion to read. Then the nagging guilt of not having finished something can leave me be until the next time. (Because there is always the next time.) In the meantime (before I finish my assigned stuff) I will be reading The Uglies -thank you to Lorna for telling Maudie Jane and then to Maudie Jane for telling me. Followed by The Pretties and The Specials. There may even be a guest appearance by The Extras. Good times. Also, I'm easily distracted, don'cha know?.
  • Justin has fixed our passenger door to close properly now. We can use the dome light once again, hurray! Also, he fixed the other passenger window to not fall down. Our poor car and poor Justin who has to fix it. We have stubbornly refused to buy a new car until it becomes absolutely necessary, which we hope will not be until the new year (calendar, not academic). So, Yay to Justin for being handy with tools!
  • Green is my new favorite color. It's great. Clean, breezy, new, fresh, stimulating, fabulous, [other words I can't think of at the moment]. What are your favorite colors right now?
  • Grace received a Good Citizen Award for the month of May. We had a home visit from the character development teacher and she received a Major Award. I'm so pleased that she is making good choices at school. She's a lovely child -I'm so glad to see her school recognize it as well.
  • And finally, I have a random complaint. But first some background:
Grace's school takes her height and weight every year and sends home a report with their BMI and ranking. Fine. I find it annoying that the ranking is comparing the child's BMI to other children their AGE, but whatever. What sense does that make? It's not a helpful or useful number, to me. Weight to height is very useful it gives an idea of the child's growth relative to their own history. I can track that. Comparisons to Grace's age group do not help me. She is taller than all of the other kids. She is the height of most fourth and fifth graders.

So (I know this is getting long, sorry) here's the problem with the system:I get a note home saying that she is in the 80th percentile of BMI for kids her age (well, yeah -she's also taller than 95% of the kids her age. I would think her BMI is going to be higher) and being above the 80th percentile puts her at risk for being over weight or obese. No, actually, having a higher weight to height ratio puts you at risk of overweight/obesity.

Now you all know that I am both a nerd and petty.

*I assigned them to myself or told someone I would read them (which to me feels like assigning -I should never do that).


Erika said...

Ya, the whole BMI thing would bug me if they did that at my kids' school-I'm glad they don't. Green is one of my fav colors too! Just yesterday I bought a cute green short-sleeved sweater cardigan at Target (my fav place) and just love the color! I'm also into pink this summer for some odd reason. It's never been a color I've been totally crazy about, but I love it now! Yellow is wonderful too-nice happy color.

Dorri said...

No you're smart and pretty, and my sister, so can I be smart by association??
That BMI thing bugs me too. I've totally been there in a dr's office having the dr tell me that PJ is overweight?? Excuse me are we looking at the same kid. He has to wear a belt to keep his jeans up, or they are around his knees. He is tall for his age, or aleast the charts say he is, so doesn't that count for something? He has no baby fat left on him, I can count his ribs, but no, the Dr insisted that he needs to have his diet monitored. She told me that I needed to make sure he wasn't eating a lot of junk food like Big Macs everyday(yes that was her expample, and PJ was 6 at the time). Crazy woman, we never saw her again.

Green is a fabulous color, I've been in to pink, hot pink, and yellow for a while now, makes me happy.
We are doing the swim lesson thing this summer too, we can do it through the city for $15 a kid for 2 weeks of lessons, how great is that! the kids are excited, but I'm hoping that Miss Magoo won't take one look and run the other way, you never know with her.

Maudie Jane said...

I'm sorry about the BMI thing, that is so unnecessary and so lame. So you aren't petty or a nerd, I would be really put out too.