Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Watch Your Language Please

That's what I've been told. Grace asked me to not say "crap" anymore because she might say it if she hears it too much. Also, no more saying the word b**t**d.

So, how much is "too much"? And let's be clear. I've only said the "b" word in front of Grace once. (That I know of. Or can remember.)

I was playing Zelda last week and the red phantom guy got me. Without thinking, I immediately called him a "little b**t**d". Grace asked what that meant and I explained that it meant I was mad. Then she asked why I said it and I told her about being killed and losing a WHOLE minute.

"You're right, he is a 'little b**t**d'."


"Um Grace?, you really shouldn't use that word. I shouldn't use it either. Little kids who use it will get in trouble."

Justin went a step further and explained where that word came from and the historical context in which it was originally used. He wanted her to understand why people still use it as a bad word and that it really shouldn't be used as a bad word anymore since those social norms have changed. (Fortunately)

Yes. It's true. I need to clean up my language. It's a shame, though, 'crap' is one of my favorite go-to words. Stay tuned and I may share some of my new ones.

**Edited to add: Justin reminded me that the main reason he wanted Grace to understand why we don't call people the "b" word is that it makes people feel bad. And more especially back in the day when being called a 'b' or being labeled as one would affect your status in society.


Erika said...

How funny! I didn't know you had such a potty mouth-j/k!! I've gotta watch it with my kids too. I'm trying to teach them to not even say the slang words like freakin', or even Gosh-I know, I'm a prude-but it's hard! I need to work on it too and practice what I preach! (so are you still hooked on Zelda then? that is too funny. I've gotta try it someday!)

miss kitti said...

Yes, still into Zelda. However, I did beat the main bad guy so I'm hoping that I'm officially past the zelda craze. We shall see.

Sherry Carpet said...

oh, crap. what about butthead? same beginning, middle and last letters, and very useful on a playground.

Maudie Jane said...

Oh Kitti, I was just thinking about this today. The kids were being little bastards and I'm pretty sure I let some explatives fly trying to herd the kids into the van. But I've really got to stop, and most of the time I do okay, but they only have to hear it once to repeat it.

PS Mom if you are reading this, I'm working on it, just be happy I'm not smokin' crack. Cause that was plan B.

miss kitti said...

True story: my cousin John convinced (okay, there wasn't really any convincing that needed doing) me to play butthead tag at the park one day. Just as I caught him and yelled "butthead" I looked right into the eyes of his dad. For all intents and purposes it looked like I was calling my uncle a butthead. oops.

But still, as an adult, I find that butthead is an effective way of shutting someone up. No one expects that out of the mouth of sweet Kitti.

Maudie Jane, my plan b is alarmingly similar. We'll have to get together should the need ever arise.

Maudie Jane said...

Kitti, truer words were never spoken.

Dorri said...

Maudie Jane, I'm really just waiting for one of your kids to let the "b" word drop in front of mom!
When I was 15 or 16 I swore in front of the stake president. I think that I said damn or hell, I'm just lucky he didn't tell dad about that one. Though in my deffense if he had I couldn't just told dad that I heard it from him over the pulpit.
And while I really don't care for butthead, it is way better than buttnugget (that was the pitson's kids choice of names for each other for a while.)