Monday, July 14, 2008

The Mother-Daughter Day That Wasn't Really

Grace and I spent the day together on Saturday, as planned: a mother-daughter day. We went to the Arts Festival, which included playing under the water buckets, getting funnel cake, and walking around to ooohh and aahh. We went to Chili's for lunch. We met some friends at the theater to watch Kit Kittridge (which was great, btw, heavy topics -depression era -but great). We finished up with dinner at our house with said good friends.

On Sunday, Grace let me know this did not count as a "mother-daughter" day because we did things with other people. Never mind that she had a great time and she loves the daughter of the friend we went with (they are always having "private conversations"). No. We were not alone doing only us things therefore the day was null and void. Dead to her.

"Mom. I'm only going to be seven for a few more weeks. After I turn eight, I may not want to hang out with you any more. I'll want to do different things. You don't have much time left. You need to use this time now. We need to be doing stuff together. It makes me feel like you don't want to do stuff with me when we never get to spend time together. You got to have two whole years with Dad before I was born and you could spend everyday, all day together. You NEVER do that with me. It's not very nice."

Holy Crap. This child is good. I've said it before and it's so true. She knows how to lay it on thick. I love that she assumes that Justin and I did nothing but stare into each others eyes for the two years before Grace joined our family. Lovely child.

I took the time to remind her that the whole year from ages three to four I stayed home with her all day everyday, even weekends. She politely reminded me that that was a long time ago and she didn't remember it. Only recent history, please.

Usually, the Mommy Guilt begins right away, when these speeches occur. (They happen regularly in the Halverson family and can be in regards to any number of things: "You don't want to buy my picture with the Easter Bunny? Why don't you want a picture of me?? And so on.) This time however, I had the laurels of yesterday to ride on and the presence of mind to bring it up. No. We spent the day together. I get credit for it. End of story.


Next Saturday you will find Grace and I on our very exclusive Mother-Daughter Day. No calls (again) please. Don't try to join us. We love you all. No matter how much fun we would have - this club admits no visitors.

I need to get my time in before it's too late.


Sherry Carpet said...

No way! That girl has incredible rhetorical skills. the career options are unlimited: politician? "motivational" "speaker?" jewish bubby? i wish i could go on a mother-daughter day with you. sounds really, really fun!

annie said...

oh wow. and so funny! you've definitely got your hands full. have fun next week!!

miss kitti said...

I know, it sounds like I'm complaining but I'm secretly proud to have such a smart daughter. Okay, not that secretly.

Jana said...

So can Zola and I come next week? great! =)

Darin said...

Wow! She sure knows how to get what she wants. If 8 is the dreaded age I only have a few months left. I better get busy with those mother/daughter days. Have fun on Saturday!

Erika said...

Grace is so funny! Isn't it fun to have your child at an age when you can do stuff together and actually enjoy it? I'm loving it as my kids get older (especially my girls) because I'm finding we enjoy the same things. But finding the time to take them each on their own date is the hard part! I better get busy on that, I'm feeling guilty now! Ü

Kgordee said...

I love Grace, I love that everything is black or white in her world. I can't wait to see both of you next month, this is were we do the teen scream, or not. But I am really excited.

Meg said...

So you're saying you didn't just stare into Justin's eyes for those first two years? I thought everyone did that. Were we the only ones? Did I miss a memo?

Grace is too funny and oh so smart. Nothing gets by that girl. I learned very quickly with her that if you say you will do something, you better mean it cause she will remember and hold you to it. Cute.

Michele Holmes said...

Oh Kitti,
You are so in trouble when this girl turns 13! Call me then and I'll tell you how we survived (assuming, that is, we DO survive).

We can't wait to see you both next month.

Jana Brookes said...

That is so cute. She does know how to lay it on thick. Logan seems to be the exact opposite. She just wants to play with friends. I hope sometime she will beg me to spend time with her and go on dates. We have gone on a few occasional dates, but usually me and her in public places ends up being a disaster. Maybe she needs the 2 more years under her belt to grow up a little more. I sure hope she and Autumn turn out to be my buddies. Have fun with her, and make it count!!