Tuesday, July 01, 2008

I'm Not Reading Anything

Despite the embarrassment of riches that is our book collection, I'm not feeling inspired to read. At. All. I've got two books waiting patiently to be picked up from the library and two on my 'currently reading' list at goodreads.com and still; nothing.

Instead I have been playing Zelda: The Windwaker. Before two weeks ago, I would never had imagined that video games could be so fun. Since then, well, it's not unusual for me to ask to borrow Grace's game after she's gone to bed. I know!, right? Crazy. But it's so fun. What will be in the grass? Hearts? Magic? Money? What's behind the next door and can I defeat it? Who knows, but if I don't at least look, how will I sleep?

Are there any Zelda addicts out there who can suggest a way to maintain balance? It's not all that different from my reading habit but it's much more difficult to justify. Also, I can't bring it outside to watch Grace play. And I can't ride my bike at the same time. Or can I? Maybe I'm just not trying hard enough....


richard dandelion said...

Ha ha ha ha...

My plans are all coming to fruition.

Nicea said...

Is this...like...The Legend of Zelda from the 80's? Hope they've changed the music. Or, maybe that was Super Mario Brothers with the annoying music. I can still hear it in my head.

When you need a break from Zelda, try TextTwistOnline. Jamie showed it to me last fall when she lived here for a few weeks. It keeps me up at night in an addictive sort of way and I play it between books and instead of making lesson plans or doing dishes.

miss kitti said...

Nicea! (insert wail) You're supposed to be helping -not adding to my list of addictions. I can't pass up word games. Why would you tell me about that?!

(thank you)

annie said...

mom, that annoying music is on ALL video games.

my newest addiction is guitar hero.

Maudie Jane said...
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Maudie Jane said...

I am so crossing my fingers, putting up hex signs and locking the doors, I can't deal with video games. Okay that is totally a lie, I love the old school games on Atari, Pit Fall, Castlevania, Dig Doug, but I am so bad at them, soooooooooo bad.

So I pretend to I hate them, other wise I would get sucked in and would expose my lack of talent or inability get better with hours or playing.

Meg said...

Brian played Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii and we were so addicted for a while. I loved to sit and watch and try to help him figure out the little mysteries and whatnot, tons of fun! It is addictive, but as Brian says, "If we don't help Link bring peace to Hyrule and save Zelda, who will?"

miss kitti said...

Meg, words of wisdom: "if not us, then who?" I completely agree.