Monday, March 10, 2008

My Daughter is FIERCE

Yep. That's right. She told me so. I asked how things went on the day her teacher talked to The Touchy Boy(TTB). He still did it again, so clearly, this is still a problem. I'll go in this time and talk with the teacher to make a new plan.

I asked Grace why she thought TTB did this and if she was the only one. She thought she was the only one and that it's because she stands up to him when he's being mean. She said, "Mom, I tell him to be nice. I talk Fierce." I'm so proud. My daughter is fierce. What more could a mother ask for?!

More later on how The Talk goes.


Dorri said...

I love that Grace is FIERCE, I think that it's great for girls to stand up for themselves.
Did the teacher have a talk with TTB's parents? I think that maybe it's time to get them involved also if the problem is still going on.
Poor Grace, I remember what it was like to be bothered by annoying boys in school, and the "red one" kept his hands to himself, though I would have liked a reason to punch him!

Maudie Jane said...

I am so glad that the teacher really sounds like she is on this like stink on a monkey. I am sure she would be cool talking to the boys parents. I am so glad that Grace stands up for her self, it gives me hope that Jane will do the same even though I didn't always do that for myself.