And now I give you THE WORRIED FACE...
I have no idea what happened before or after this photo but I love it. Is it wrong that I'm taking some delight in the expression on Grace's face? Mostly because I'm pretty sure I said "make a face" and then snapped the picture. Or at least, that's the story I'm going with.
Okay, yeah, so I have the Holmes Sleepy Eyes(HSE), but still... Cute picture, right guys? Guys? Anywho, I like this one of Grace and I now you all get to see it. Yay for you.
And what is it with the HSE? We all get it. Think every Christmas morning photo we've ever taken. I'm just saying...
Anyway, the other point of this picture is to tell a story. Easter Sunday, as we walked into the back of the chapel and sat down we heard a little voice saying, "Mom, LOOK, it's Jesus!" Much pointing and jumping up and down ensued. "Mom, look, look! Jesus is here. It's Jesus!" You may have guessed, based on this picture alone, that the little girl was pointing at my Sweetie. Is it wrong that we got a really good (albeit quiet - chapel, remember?) laugh at that. The mom was so embarrassed.
That's all for now.