Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's All In How You Look At It

Last night I dreamed that J was snoring. Really loud. Guess what J was actually doing? Snoring. Really loud.

The upside of this is that one must be sleeping to dream. The even greater thing is that I was sleeping through loud snoring. I know, right?! Good job body.


Nicea said...

That made me laugh. We have a loud snorer at our house, also. Okay, two.

Kitti, did you go to CA with Justin last month?

Also, I keep getting the Goodreads updates from you and have to say that I'm extremely envious of all the books you've read! You can really crank 'em out. Me? Not so much. But I love seeing what you're reading.

Natalie said...

FYI - He gets it from his dad.

Shawn said...

Out loud chuckle from me. Good job body! That was my favorite line. You're funny. And...why do men snore so loudly? Sometimes I feel like sleeping in a whole different room--oh wait--sometimes I do (a lot). But don't tell.

Dorri said...

At least you could sleep through it. That's funny that you were dreaming about it too. Usually when Phillip snores really loud there are explosions in my dreams, hmm.