Wednesday, October 08, 2008

New Information on SIDS

Click on the title to read the article, if you feel so inclined.

Interesting. Also, I'm so happy to see that SIDS-related infant mortality has gone down.


Dorri said...

I saw this on one of the morning shows yesterday. Very interesting stuff. I remember when they started their "back to sleep" campaign years ago. It seems like they said that really cut down on the number of SIDS cases.
Though I think that it's interesting that anytime they can't definitly say what caused the baby's death they label it as SIDS (that really bothers me). Either way it's a scary thought for parents. I totally remember going in on checking on my babies when they slept longer than usually. I even remember putting a mirror under little guys nose several times when he was a newborn because I was so paranoid.

Erika said...

My sister Shaylin's first baby died of SIDS at 2 months old back in 1991 or so. So sad, and really so interesting to me how something like that can happen. That's wonderful that they are finding out more about SIDS and that the rate of deaths has gone down. I was paranoid too with my babies Moddy!

miss kitti said...

I was totally worried about this when Grace was a baby and I still go in every night to check on her. I'm definitely in the paranoid parents club.

Erika, I'm so sorry about your sister's baby. I didn't know about that.

Meg said...

Ditto on the paranoid. Elyza's room is about two feet from ours, and yet I still sleep with a monitor in her room and the other one right above my head, you know, just in case. I can't sleep without a fan, so Elyza has always had one as well as she got used to the sound while sleeping in our room. I think that is fantastic, though it does make it a bit breezy in the cold months.

Michele Holmes said...

Interesting article. I'm feeling glad that the crib is in our bedroom ( at least for the forseeable future anyway), and we love sleeping with a fan on. Guess we'll keep it up.