Monday, October 06, 2008

Conference Weekend?

While listening to conference on Saturday morning, first talk of the day,

Grace in sotto voce, "Mom, I just filled FIVE MINUTES of time! Just like that! I filled five minutes."

Um. Yeah. I didn't get to listen to much conference the weekend. I do remember a talk on hope. Would anyone like to fill me in on a few details?


Erika said...

I'm sorry you missed so much of it! KIDS! It was absolutely wonderful--I really needed to hear just what was said. I loved Elder Uchtdorf, Elder Holland, Elder Wirthlin, Elder Hales, Elder Packer...excellent! Go to and you can watch them on a link there.

One thing that has worked with my kids during conference is "Conference Packets" you can print out on They're activity books that totally keep my kids engrossed while we watch. Also, there was a fun treat activity we tried this time that was a total hit! Pick 5 or 6 treats and put them in a baggie, and then 5 or 6 words or subjects and print them on a little card so they have the key. When your child hears one of those words in the talks, they get to eat one of the treats that goes with it. We did goldfish, m&m's, candy corn, animal crackers, pistachios, and fruit snacks. Our words were Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, Love one Another, Prophet, Family, Scriptures. This got my kids really interested in the talks and they actually listened while they munched on their snacks. This will be a permanent tradition in our house after seeing the wonderful effects.

Unknown said...

I'm with you Kitti. I've kind of given up trying to watch on Saturday. I catch up at night on Here you can find the session you want to watch and fast forward through all the things you don't want tivo style. Not that there is anything you wouldn't want to listen to, just stuff I wouldn't. I'm being completely honest here. I really can't take long choir numbers. So maybe the problem isn't my kids, it's me. And I'm working on it. I did love the talks I caught: Elder Holland, Elder Eyring...some men I didn't know....There you have it. Again..I'm working on it!

Meg said...

As with most people with kids, we heard very little as well. I did finish Princess Academy and LOVED it! I love books where I can't predict the ending! What's next?

Darin said...

I'm afraid I can't help you much Kitti. I was traveling both Saturdays and Sunday. I usually try and listen or watch on I did watch Elder Uchtdorf's talk from the women's conference and it was great. I plan on watching more but we'll see how that goes.

miss kitti said...

Erika, I love the treats idea.

I did a really poor job preparing Grace for what we expected of her as well as not going over why we think conference is important.

Kendra, I would so love to tivo conference. Sometimes there are certain talks I want to hurry up and get to.

Meg -I'm so excited for you about PA. Have you read Shannon Hale's other books?