Friday, October 03, 2008

Well Played, Joe Biden

And to S.P.- not so bad. She clearly had talking points that she was asked to stick with: energy, taxes, the word 'maverick', and being middle-class.

Hated the winking -I found it both annoying and insulting, but whatever. The bottom line, she didn't provide SNL with as many jokes for this week. Definitely a plus. And now we are all aware that she is a middle-class mom trying to make ends meet (yes, heavy sarcasm intended).

Senator Biden -he was able to answer the actual questions with specific examples, less skirting around the issues. He addressed criticism towards McCain, which is appropriate as SP hasn't been on the radar long enough to be anything other than a face (sorry, but it's true, unless you live in Alaska and I would totally say this even if she were a he).

All in all, a good debate and it left me with the same impressions that I had to begin with. Biden good for the job, able to reign in the speechifying. SP needs more experience, also one hell of a fighter.

I've discussed the experience issue with coworkers and we all agree that there is a certain amount of on the job training. A learning curve, if you will. One can't know what it is to be President or VP until one has walked in those shoes. Granted.

However, there needs to be a certain base of knowledge already in place to effectively build on. In the case of SP, there's no shame in not being familiar with foreign policy or the Bush Doctrine. However, being as she's running for VP, she needs to already know this stuff. She doesn't have time to play catch-up. Just my opinion.

I appreciated that Biden acknowledged that, while he does come from more modest roots, he is now well-off and does not fit into the 'middle-class'. Also, that he admitted that the office of VP doesn't really get to set policies or legislate. Important information to understand.

Who did you like? What were your impressions? More importantly, Can we still be friends?


Dorri said...

We can always be friends.

Sherry Carpet said...

i like all your comments. overall i felt a little...bored by the debates. seemed pretty scripted overall, but joe didn't run off at the mouth like the pundits were predicting, and as you said, SP wasn't as bad as expected. maybe that's what i'd secretly been hoping for? ;-) a little more chicanery and bally-hoo.

Kgordee said...

Unfortunately I missed all but the last half hour of the debates because we had the time wrong, super lame. It doesn’t seem like the debates really helped anyone or hurt anyone; it was just more of the same question dodging and issue dropping that we have seen in other political debates. Well I say that because SP had her stuff together and it wasn’t the blood bath that I was expecting. I feel a bit guilty for wanting to see her given the old one two, but honestly that wouldn’t help the Democrats to attack her. I think the Dems new BFF is SP herself, she is sinking her own ship.

Kgordee said...

Camille, not Kgordee!