Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Farewell to Like and MissKitti Goes Brown

I say the word 'like' entirely too much. How embarrassing for me. In an effort to stop embarrassing myself I am trying to only use the word 'like' in case of emergency. It's a lot harder than one might think.

Who knew that my inner child is actually a teenaged-valley girl? Yes, it's true. So. Please bear with me if we are talking and I suddenly seem tongue-tied; I'm merely trying to say something without the use of my secret favorite word.

What word can you not live without?

And. Me with new and improved color:
Yep, that's right. I'm a newly minted brunette. I totally admit to being inspired by Lauren's own fabulous brown locks.


Dorri said...

LOVE IT, you look fabulous.
I can't live with out the word "NO".

Nicea said...

Tres chic, color and do! Lovely. I seem to overuse the words "totally" and "way" as in, "I totally like your hair way better brown than had you chosen .. say, burnt orange."

Nicea said...

P.S. Speaking of embarrassing one's self, I seem to do that every day with something I say. Instead of trying to eliminate a word or two from my vocabulary, I'm just going to have to go silent. I'm not kidding.

Lola said...

gorge! i bet you didn't know that when you and justin were still at byu (and i think relatively newly married), i was in his office once and there was a picture of you in said office in a wedding dress with dark hair. i actually thought about that when i get mine done.

creepy or flattering? maybe both.

Sherry Carpet said...

lauren, I was going to say gorge! i guess that's one of the words i can't do without.

your hair is the prettiest hair of any girl's hair. for reals. so shiny and thick and shiny...and thick. lucky girl.

Nicea said...

See? Silence.

Nicea said...

Works for me.

Meg said...

Cute. I use the word cute all the time, and now Elyza does as well, for anything and everything, which is endearing in her case.
Love the hair; the color makes your eyes stand out even more than before. I could never do it, I would love to, but I am too chicken to ever do anything more drastic than getting highlights!

Erika said...

Smokin'! You look great!! I think I say cool way too much--it bugs me, but on the spot I can't think of another word to use! And I'm trying not to say "whole nother". Have you ever noticed that people say that A LOT? So I have to pause sometimes to make sure I don't say it. Shouldn't it be "whole other"? Why do we say "whole nother"? Where did that come from? Is it a Utah thing? I'm not sure, but I laugh now when I hear anyone say it.

reggstyl said...

Love the hair! It looks so good.

Natalie said...

You would look beautiful without any hair...but the brunette definitely enhances your eyes.

Unknown said...

You look fantastic! I love the brown. My favorite words: Clearly, apparently, awesome, like, totally, lovely....Ok. It is embarrasing to admit, isn't it?

Maudie Jane said...

I have always envied your hair, I'm pretty much bald compared to you. The dark hair looks fabulous, AB FAB if you will. I think that picture w/ the dark hair and the wedding dress was from that fateful day at the court house where I put you through four hours of hell. We are over that right? Love the hair!

I always say, no worries. When I asked K what I say all the time he said, broseph and cornholio, so I'm not sure what that says about me.

Shawn said...

My friends and I tried to not use the word "cute" at a craft fair once. Lasted about 30 seconds and gave up.

Love your cute hair. Did you know Jamie went brown too this past weekend?

annie said...

it's the brunette revolution! you look fantastic, kitti.

i use "sweet" and "excellent" far too much and as filler words. like when someone tells me about their bad day and i say, "excellent." i mean, um...

Darin said...

I love the hair! I've never seen a look on you that doesn't look great.

miss kitti said...

All these great words! Such a shame to not use them. Nicea, I like you totally, way more when you're not silent.

Thanks for the brunette-love. It's great to join the ever-expanding ranks of lovelies with brown hair.

Jana Brookes said...

brown is beautiful! i guess i just think that, cause i never had any other color!