Sunday, February 08, 2009

In Which MissKitti Says Thank You

To The Lovely People of Target:

Thank you for having the foresight to stock an automotive section with do-it-yourself jump-start kits. Great idea and very helpful.

To The Brilliant People at Duracel:

You guys are awesome. Thank you for sending your jump-start kits out into the world fully charged and ready to go, just in case some poor soul happened to leave her lights on in the parking lot while shopping at Target and was too embarrassed to call her friends, AGAIN, for a jump. Thank you. You saved my bacon and a little of my pride.

To The Kindly Gentleman Who Stopped To Hold The Roof Of My Car Up Before It Came Crashing Down On My Head:

You are a dear sweet man and I so appreciate your help and support. Thanks even for saying I could have done just fine on my own. No I couldn't have but thanks for pretending all the same.

To My Parent Who Always Help The Stranger, Just In Case:

You're right again: help people out and it's the gift that keeps on giving. Your kids are benefiting from your good karma.

Thursday was a little trying for me. How was your week?


Shawn said...

Isn't it nice to know there are still lots of really good people in the world? And gratitude is such a good virtue. Sorry you had a bad day though.

Natalie said...

Oh Kitti, you are a, brave and proud woman. I am so impressed with your ability and willingness to solve the dead battery dilemma on your own. I hate having to even touch the hood unlatch lever in my car. I so would have been calling ANYONE. :-). I am grateful for your example!!!

Natalie said... comma necessary after the "a".

Erika said...

Ya, I would have been sitting in my car freaking out not knowing what to do and automatically call my hubby and whine to him. I'm such a chicken when it comes to cars. I really need to learn!!

Unknown said...

Seriously, do you know how many times I have called the Lunt household with the same question: Is it black on black, or the red on black? Do I attach or start the car first? Both Jana and Dave are very patient in telling me again and again the way that the whole thing works. Really, this seems like such a simple task, and yet, I cannot remember how it goes. I am relieved to hear that there is a do it yourself kit. One more reason to move closer to a Target!

annie said...

super kitti to the rescue!

you rock. i'm sorry you had a bad day :(

Christian said...

Awesome post, Kitti. It's great when humanity's good side comes out every once in a while... :)

miss kitti said...

Thanks for the love, all.

I forgot to mention that I was on the phone every minute or so with J to find out how to open the hood and how to do it with only one person (our hood is a two-person opener) and how to place the cables. He was v. patient.

Grady Tripp said...

So, here is where the good karma comes from, Kitti. There was a rainy night in Seattle when I was driving from the city back to my hotel in Bellevue....must have been around 1983. There was traffic because I was behind a woman with kids in a station wagon that had stalled in the tunnel...everyone driving around and by her. I managed to pull in front of her and get her started and out of the tunnel and over the bridge. Your average Mormon would tell you it typically takes 26 years for a good deed to pay off (in other words, keep the faith despite evidence to the contrary). ;-)