Friday, January 09, 2009

Holy Crap! It's Been A Long Time....

No pictures. No news. I got nothin'. Sorry folks. My computer is sick.

(Shhhhhhhhhhhh, I slipped away to use another computer. I hope mine doesn't find out)

In lighter news (hehe), this is the year that MissKitti declares she will lose 40 lbs! Yay for me! Please keep any doubts on the possibility of that happening to yourself. No negativity, please. We are all lovers here, yes?

This year (Dec '08), Grace did her best to turn our Bible-reading of the Nativity Story into a talk about sex. "Yes, but how did she get pregnant?" and "But, why wasn't Joseph involved?" —"Look honey, Bible scholars throughout the ages, not to mention inquiring minds, would love to know the answer to that one. WE JUST DON'T KNOW."

Next was, "Okay, but how are babies made, again?" Finally we had to gently but firmly state that we could discuss that at another time when we weren't desperately trying to give justification to all the gift sending and receiving, as well as all the other hoopla of our pagan xmas practices. "Yes, Grace, there is a Christian holiday in here somewhere. Just keep digging, we'll get there eventually."

And you know, we did. I loved opening gifts via webcam/Skype with the lovely and talented Halverson, Richardson, and Diaz families. I got to talk to almost half of my family members (which I count as outstanding). And we got to spend the day together, in our jammies. (We have a strict pj's-only rule for Christmas day. Seriously.)

It's 2009. Central PA is expecting 6-8inches of snow over the weekend. My back and ankle are back to their regularly scheduled programming. Good things ahead.

Anywho, Happy New Year to all! Best of luck with all your resolutions. I have high hopes for us all.


Erika said...

I just love your positive attitude! Good luck with your weight loss goal, you can do anything you put your mind to!! Are you going to do any special program? I really liked Weight Watchers, and I had great success with Atkins, but I think South Beach is probably a healthier solution than Atkins--they are very similar.

Nicea said...

Miss Kitti, I'm sooo excited to hear from you again. And know that your ankle and back are good again and that there's a new year for us all to make our wishes come true. For me this year it's to get back into an exercise routine. I can't even tell you how long it's been since I actually had a routine. But I'll bet my body can. Here's to a Divine '09.

P.S. I got a real kick out of Grace's questions about Mary's pregnancy! Tough one. Good luck with that. (Though, I know of no better parents than the two of you to come up with the right balance of answers.)

Shawn said...

Good to have you back, Miss Kitti. I enjoy reading you. Sounds like Grace is very inquisitive. Good luck with that!

Natalie said...

(sigh of relief) You're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Yay!

Maudie Jane said...

I love this post, you are so funny, we must be sisters. Right guys, guys?

I can not tell you how much I love Grace and her questions, I'm so glad that you guys are writing this stuff down. It's gold I tell you.

Jamie said...

When I have children, can I have them come visit your family during summers? They will be so smart! I am so impressed with Grace, and hope I can do half as good a job with raising my own...

I had a sick computer too! Well, it's still sick, but it just doesn't know it yet. The technician told me that my hard drive could crash any second. Not pleasant. My computer must be like me. Even when it's sick, it pretends like it isn't until the ailment passes.