Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Girly-Girls vs. Girls

The Gracetress did her very best last night to explain to me the difference between "girly-girls" and "girls". With an honorable mention thrown in for "tom-boys". She pays lip service to being a "girl" but let me tell you, she can't stay away from pink to save her life. Although, she has made head-way with wearing fewer dresses and no longer pesters me everyday to wear makeup.

My sweet little princess is trying so hard to transform into something else: a no frills type of girl. But not a "tom-boy". Oh no. That, apparently, is not the thing. I couldn't tell you why, though. As a child her age, I thought "tom-boy" was the only way to go. Who would want to be anything else?

I've been thinking about this whole transformation thing. Mostly in terms of me and who I am. Because, really, it's all about me. Right? Right, guys? Guys??

Anywho, I've often wondered if I'm a quiet, loud person or a loud, quiet person. Am I an inactive, active person, who — provided the health and opportunity — would be out hiking the trails of the world? Or the reverse: trying to be someone I'm not really cut out for?

I'm 31, soon to be 32. I'd like to know who I am. A few years ago I came clean with loving pink. I do and it's probably no surprise to anyone (just me). I love wearing makeup but not applying it. I love getting my hair cut and colored. I also really like dresses and skirts. I think it's safe to say I'm a "girly-girl" type. I am making an effort not to influence Grace in this matter.

There are just so many contradictions. What am I? What kind of woman am I? How am I known among friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances? I have had people tell me that they thought I was a "*itch" before getting to know me. One of my favorite people at work was afraid of me until we got to know each other better. But other people have known I was nice all along. I AM nice, btw.

Do you know who you are and what you're about? Have you sorted it out in your mind? How long did it take? Have you always known? What's it like? Walking around knowing if you're the "girly-girl" type, just a "girl" or a "tomboy."* I totally envy you.

Let's talk sometime and you can share your secrets.

* If you're a male reading this, insert appropriate substitute. RD, I already know you're an "academic" with a little "man's-man" thrown in just to confuse everyone. You know: sexually "ambiguous." And just my type.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy Birthdays to Tyler, Dixon and Mom!

All on separate days (1/7; 1/14; 1/15, respectively), of course. Actually there are many more Holmes-related birthdays in January, but to avoid insanity, I shall focus on the original 12 (10kids+2parental units).

So, Mom and Dad have arrived in Russia. I hear that they will very soon have a blog up and running (thank you, Moddy) for all and sundry to peruse at our leisure. In this way we can keep up with the news and appreciate that none of us can possibly be as cold as they are. If you don't have to wear ice picks on your shoes, in the winter, just to go to the market-- you aren't as cold as Mom and Dad. No. Don't argue.

Mom turns a respectable, but not specified age, tomorrow. I wonder if, like me, she ever wonders where the years have gone, can she really be __(insert age), and has it all been worth it? How can the kids be grown up already, and isn't it nice that they are? (I love having a nearly-independent 8yr. old, btw.) Also, what next?

Truthfully, my mom is more active than I am, not to mention way more talented and lovely. She is a perfectly complete person and woman. If you do not know my mom, and even if you do, let us revisit her many wonderful qualities and skills*.

Firstly, Mom is a listener and councilor. The kind everyone needs. She will listen and ask what you think. She may give some examples of how she can relate and may offer some ideas but she will never tell you what you have to or should definitely do. She is wonderful at sympathizing and empathizsing and loving. She is also good at not saying, "I told you so." And she would never say, "Holy Crap! You did what?!" (mostly because she is so polite and "crap" is not a word she would say.)

Secondly, Mom is full of ideas and willingness to see things through. I can remember many times coming to my mom with a homework quandry and she would stop what she was doing (always with the "doing") to help. Poems got written, sewing projects put back together the right way, meals saved, YW activities planned, algebra problems got worked and so on. And always with humor.

Mom is funny. She is always one to look at the bright side and share a giggle whenever there is one to be had. My favorite 'making mom laugh moment' comes from back when I was a teenager. I was reading the Reader's Digest anecdotes to her so we could both laugh. The phone rang just as I was getting to the punch line. I hurried and said it just as she picked up the phone to say hello. Instead of talking, she was laughing too hard to say anything. Good times.

Mom knows what's important and doesn't sweat the small stuff. (A trait that our other January birthday people are also known for. Coincidence? I think not.) Running a little late? Oh well, just do your best to make up for lost time and leave a little sooner next time. Bad hair day? Could be worse and really, you're just making every other woman feel better about herself (though, to be clear, my mom doesn't have bad hair days -I'm talking about me). Make-up on wrong? -no biggie. It's just make-up. Gravy not your best? Well, one thing in your meal should be less than perfect -that way you're not showing off.

Speaking of gravy. And now for a list of some other extraordinary talents:
  • scrumptious cook
  • sewing dervish
  • crochet-master
  • grower of flowers and plants
  • tender of many a happy grandchild
Last but not least, my mom is an excellent friend. Movies, books, frozen yogurt, quick shopping trip, you name it and she's up for it. And all the way there or during are so many things to talk about and ideas to explore. She's up for it all. I love that about her.

Happy Birthday (1/15)!

*See also Reagan's great post

Friday, January 09, 2009

Holy Crap! It's Been A Long Time....

No pictures. No news. I got nothin'. Sorry folks. My computer is sick.

(Shhhhhhhhhhhh, I slipped away to use another computer. I hope mine doesn't find out)

In lighter news (hehe), this is the year that MissKitti declares she will lose 40 lbs! Yay for me! Please keep any doubts on the possibility of that happening to yourself. No negativity, please. We are all lovers here, yes?

This year (Dec '08), Grace did her best to turn our Bible-reading of the Nativity Story into a talk about sex. "Yes, but how did she get pregnant?" and "But, why wasn't Joseph involved?" —"Look honey, Bible scholars throughout the ages, not to mention inquiring minds, would love to know the answer to that one. WE JUST DON'T KNOW."

Next was, "Okay, but how are babies made, again?" Finally we had to gently but firmly state that we could discuss that at another time when we weren't desperately trying to give justification to all the gift sending and receiving, as well as all the other hoopla of our pagan xmas practices. "Yes, Grace, there is a Christian holiday in here somewhere. Just keep digging, we'll get there eventually."

And you know, we did. I loved opening gifts via webcam/Skype with the lovely and talented Halverson, Richardson, and Diaz families. I got to talk to almost half of my family members (which I count as outstanding). And we got to spend the day together, in our jammies. (We have a strict pj's-only rule for Christmas day. Seriously.)

It's 2009. Central PA is expecting 6-8inches of snow over the weekend. My back and ankle are back to their regularly scheduled programming. Good things ahead.

Anywho, Happy New Year to all! Best of luck with all your resolutions. I have high hopes for us all.